PSAC20 Day 1 Navah Hopkins
Hennessey Digital’s Navah Hopkins describes the perfect PPC audit.
About Navah Hopkins:
Navah Hopkins is the director of paid media at Hennessey digital. She was named one of theTop 50 PPC experts for 2020.
Key Points:
“When I’m looking at an account whether it’s spending a thousand a month or a hundred thousand a month, there are certain central metrics that are really pivotal.
“Impression share is my number one guiding metric, one of the datasets I put together while I was at Wordstream looked at where do most folks lose their impression share and what was really fascinating to me is that most folks lose that impression share or all available impressions how many are you getting due to rank not budget which means that there are structural issues getting in the way of our profit.” Now if you’re losing impression share due to rank that usually means that there’s something of a bidding issue sometimes where you might be under bidding or a certain keyword might be competing with another keyword and driving up our costs.”
“We also want to be very mindful of click-through rate because to be fair Quality Score does factor into a drink and that historical click-through rateis going to impact you as will ad relevance so we do want to think about how engaging our creative is along with those keywords and whether the keywords we’ve chosen whether they’re broad match or they’re a two-word phrase match keyword or exposing us to a lot of impressions that won’t lead to clicks that therefore will depreciate our quality score.”
“if you cannot fit at least ten clicks in your day you are setting yourself up just by the numbers to not get enough value out of your campaign so you do you want to be mindful of that.”
So impression share to sum up is really our markets potential so if you are seeing that you have a fairly conservative budget but you have 90% impression share and you’re getting not a lot of traffic that could be a sign that we need to do some type of funnel marketing to create interest to create that volume to create that market.”
“If you’re seeing that you have an itty bitty impression share but you’re getting a lot of clicks a lot of impressions that’s a sign that hey let us troubleshoot this account so that we can get the full potential of our prospects.”
“So the next bit of auditing is why is my ad not showing and when ad networks tell us that it’s not showing but they can’t say why it is the most infuriating thing in the world you only keep hitting test again, test again, test again.”
“So long as you have at least a quality score of five you are probably fine when you start having that super low quality score due to either too many impressions and not enough clicks or there just isn’t enough volume and so the ad network gets really confused about what to do with it you are going to end up in a bad spot one moment.”
“So yeah just be mindful if your ad isn’t showing do to rank you you’re either under bidding for quality source so you can actually bypass this by bidding a little bit more aggressively in the beginning.”
“So the next reason is going to be that keyword conflict so if you are bidding on say attorney and lawyer in today’s world those actually are the same so you could have a key one version serving and another isn’t so that it’ll say under one your ad isn’t showing but then the other is.”
“And then finally what if an ad isn’t showing due to schedule due to targets that’s okay because you probably made all the right choices to protect your budget and have your serve at the dedicated time so we just we don’t want to have a panic party every single time our ad isn’t showing.”
“if we have a high click-through rate and a low conversion rate that usually means that our landing page and our search terms are in dire need of an audit whether the search terms are pulling in traffic that is valuable but we’re sending it to the wrong page or whether it’s not quite right our ads are not usually the issue here because we’ve done a beautiful job of getting the right folks.”