PSAC20 Day 1 Motoko Hunt
Session 4: Paid Search in Japan and Biggest mistakes Non-Japanese Advertisers Make
AJPR’s Motoko Hunt describes PPC advertising mistakes made in the Japanese market.
A Few Key Points:
“Just a quick introduction about my company, AJPR we started in 1998 offering both SEO and PPC related services and search marketing services mainly targeting the Japanese market as well as other parts of Asia market.”
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“On the mobile site Yahoo has a little more market share. it’s really due to the fact that Yahoo Japan is the default search engine on some of the mobile phones and smart phones sold in Japan and that’s really one of the reasons. Where else you can advertise the desktop, that’s why’s that Twitter is really popular on the social media site followed by YouTube in your Facebook Instagram is really becoming popular.”
“People tend to go to Google, just like we do in the States, to look or search for the information and look for the answers the people go to Yahoo Japan because Yahoo Japan is a portal not really that’s just a search engine so they go to Yahoo Japan for many different reasons, to read the news, entertainment, watch the video, do the shoppings and you know, all these different reasons and then people tend to stay there much longer because they’re not just going there to do one search and then be done. Trend-wise, Google tends to have the more professional and work related searches done. On Yahoo people tend to search for entertaining information shopping informations because you have these trouble booking services very popular in Japan they do a lot of the turbo searches in on the Yahoo Japan.”
“Based on your user profile or target audience profile you probably want to consider the budget allocations and these things like that on the Google Ads. You know you can pretty much apply what you know with Google campaign you’re running in the States or wherever you are now the setup is the same thing you don’t have to create a separate account for to runGoogle Japanese ad campaigns you can just simply add campaign Japanese campaign to the existing Google at account that you have already which makes things easier for the reporting and you know budget monitoring’s and things like that on the Yahoo Japan side. You do have to set up that campaign account with Yahoo Japan this is where one of the since the mistakes or misunderstanding.”
“I see happening in non-Japanese country is that people have campaign set up for Yahoo, or being in the States for example, and then when they check the box to show ads in Japan, they think that they’re ads are showing up in Yahoo Japan, which is not the case. You do need to have the campaign account set up with Yahoo Japan. They are getting better at providing an information for campaign set up info in English. Many of the information related to different advertising products is in English too, so it’s becoming easier for non-Japanese businesses to run ads on the Yahoo Japan platform. This is at the high level the differences between Google and Yahoo Japan ads as you know on Google you cannot show ads that display ads on Google site but there, if you run and display ads your ads will show on many of Google’s partner sites including a business and private sites like someone’s blogs if we ever sign up for the Google Adsense your ads my show upon Yahoo Japan your ads can show up on display ads can show up on Yahoo Japan websites as well as any of their partner sites.”