The top 10 international Pay Per Click Industry News from May 17 to 24, 2024, commented live by Gianpaolo Lorusso, the founder of ADworld Experience (the World’s Largest PPC-Cases-Only event).
1) What has been announced at Google Marketing Live (& what not)
I’ve selected 3 interesting recaps by Rob Glover (Wordstream), Navah Hopkins (Optmyzr) and Jyll Saskin Gales of the announcements made at the latest GML event–2B5/
2) Meta adds videos to automated catalog ads
Catalog Product Ads can now use video assets
3) Keep it simple stupid MetaAds advertiser
Jon Loomer shartes his vision of future proof FacebookAds campaigns (spoiler: with less campaigns and detailed targeting)
4) GoogleAds Customer acquisition goal mini-guide
Benjamin Wenner shares an interesting analysis of what this setting actually means and how it works
5) How to set the new sitelinks in FBAds
Bram Van der Hallen describes the creation process of the newly added MetaAds Sitelinks
6) Here is why we cannot fully trust Google any longer
All US Departiment of Justice concerns about Google’s pricing process & how they are trying to settle things down
7) A recap of all LinkedinAds new features released in 2024
AJ Wilcox recap of the most important updates in Linkedin Ad platform in 2024
8) How to advertise on Netflix
Emily Sullivan shares a lot of interesting details on the Microsoft platform to access the largest streaming service in western countries
9) TikTok launches its ad certification
The chinese social giant launched its own media buying certification (which costs $200 and is valid 2 years)
10) Microsoft launches new AI-driven functions for its retail media program
Microsoft’s omnichannel Retail Media introduced fast track campaigns & other AI-powered self-service functionalities
Social Media Marketing Industry report (based on 1900 respondents) – Social Media Examiner
Here is a video commentary of the news (starting from the last one, like in any honorable news-parade):
May the ROI be with you! And… more peace for everyone 😉
PS: Please comment if you think I missed something important (I’ll consider it next week)!
Gianpaolo Lorusso
ADworld Experience founder