Unknown Speaker 0:10
All right, well, great. Um, yes. And next up, we’ve got Andrea Cruz, who’s going to be talking about Quora ads. So and yet another ads opportunity, different kind of platform. And core ads kind of came out of came out of the gate a couple years ago, maybe three years ago with lots and lots of new capabilities or on his ads business. So Andrew, I’m sure you’ve got lots to share with us.
Unknown Speaker 0:41
That’s the plan. Let me just guys confirm that you can hear me and you’re seeing my slides. Is that correct? Correct. Then let’s rock. As David just mentioned, my name is Andrea Cruz, I’m going to be talking today about Korra ads, and how to go from basics to mastery. I have a lot of content. So I’m gonna go quick. The good thing is you guys are gonna get a copy of the recordings. So we can always go back. And you can always hit me with questions on social media. But as Dwayne just said, every day or the way I think about it is as marketers every day, we’re thinking about how can I get more leads, and continue to increase my revenue. And when you start thinking about your options, being new at some point, you realize, God, everything’s so expensive. Google is so expensive. Facebook is so expensive. If you go to Facebook Business Manager, you might not see any data at all, then Google come up with this weird thing saying, oh, we’re gonna get rid of rock much modify, but phrase is gonna become broad match. But we’re still gonna call it phrase. It’s like, who was trying to keep up with all of this? So my job today is to show you a new ice cream flavor. And that ice cream flavor is called Cora. Cora doesn’t work for everyone. That’s 100% truth. It’s not the first place you should go to either. But there are some opportunity in there for a lot of audiences. And we’re going to be talking today about the pros, the cons, what works, what doesn’t work, and we go from there. Because yes, a lot of people say there’s no enough people on Quora, I will spend $1 a day and those are things that are not actually true. Just before we get started on, as I mentioned, my name is Amir Cruz. I am a senior digital marketing manager at marketing. We’re a b2b digital marketing agency. I specialize on b2b PPC. So a lot of the examples I’m going to give you today are b2b oriented, but I have information about b2c audiences as well. So don’t worry, I didn’t let you out. I made the top 50 most influential PPC experts in 2019, and 2020. And yes, I have an accent. That’s because I was born and raised in Maracaibo, Venezuela. So hello to all the Latin American people. But enough about me, this is the plan for today, we’re gonna talk about core formats for art targeting, and then those tips and tricks that we all are looking for all the time. So starting with Korra, if you are unfamiliar with the platform is a platform where you can go and ask questions and other users who have accounts were replied to those questions. There are about 300 million monthly unique visitors, this is about half of LinkedIn audience. Most of the people who are in the platform are male. And when we look at ages, half of their audience is between 18 to 34 years, and then the other half is 35 or older. Most of them will use mobile devices to access the platform, about 75% of them. And on the side, I also had this really cool stats that Cora has provided like 37% of users are likely to be a manager, which is not surprising, because if the vast majority of their audience is between the ages of 25 or 34, that’s the age that you usually become my manager. in a lot of instances, most users have a college degree, which then derives that 54% of users report a house a high household income. So at this point, we know about what people look like and how do they get to Cora. Now let’s talk about what they talk about.
Unknown Speaker 4:34
Cora is this in 2018 year, and it’s some of their most popular topics out there. You can see there’s a little bit of everything you can go from dating and relationships to technology to marketing to healthcare, to higher education, really big topic. So when you’re thinking about Quora and where you place this type of questions that people are asking in a traditional funnel I like to place Quora in the awareness and consideration stage. When people have symptoms, they know they have an issue, they just don’t know that your company or your product or your service is a solution for that symptom. So Quora is a great place for them, as well as a place for consideration when people are comparing your company versus another company, you can target those specific questions, and we will go on about that in other slides. But that’s where Cora shines the most. And that’s where I have seen the most success. So keeping this rolling, let’s talk about art formats. And these ones are pretty straightforward, because there are only three. They have text, art, image arts, and promoted answers. Text arts was the first type of ad that Korra launched. It’s basically your headline and description on the you have a call to action, nothing too difficult, they’re very easy to set up, then they came up with image ads, which is the exact same thing as a text ad, but he has an image. That’s it. That’s the only difference. As I mentioned earlier, I work with b2b accounts. So it’s not fun to show people a picture of a software. But if you have, you’re in the higher education space, in the relationship space, you will see a lot of great images that can really drive the attention of the user and make them feel identify. Last but not least, Quora launched not too long ago promoted answers, which is basically if somebody writes a review or a questioning and they promote, and they type an answer that do like along, because they are saying that your business is great that they love your product, or whatever that might be, you can boost that post and show what are the specific questions and topics. And so they’re really great. They are not really designed to send users to your website, they are more of an awareness play. And you can pay via CPM or CPC. But if you want to go by the CPC method, you will only pay when somebody hits that tiny little more, that it’s an anchor text, or I have a link at the end of the preview of the promoted answer. So it’s pretty difficult for someone to click on them, but they can be magical, just as text arts on LinkedIn, which are very underutilized.
Unknown Speaker 7:35
Unknown Speaker 7:36
I’m going very quickly what I told you I was going to, that’s we talked about what score, we talk about the people who are there, we talk about the different ad formats. Now let’s talk about how we can target people because this is what makes core AI unique. Some of the targeting options they have are only available on Quora, we make which makes them very exciting to use. But we have primary and secondary targets, we are obviously going to talk about both. Let’s start with the primary targets now have a primary targeting options. The very first one is broad targeting. This basically means you’re going to target everyone. No marketer will target everyone where goodness keep going into details. And let’s talk about contextual targeting, which is the place where everybody if they’re not starting with a remarketing list, they could start on Quora and use that contextual targeting. That is subdivided into different categories. The first one is being topic targeting. Do you remember we talked about the popular topics on Quora healthcare marketing, you can target those big topics, and go for to show your ads on those questions and feeds that are related to that topic. But you might say, hey, Andrew, I don’t serve the whole marketing topic, I only serve a subset of it, then you can use keyword targeting. In that case, if you are running Google ads, or Microsoft ads, and you have top 10, top 20 keywords that you know, it doesn’t matter which day of the week it is those keywords are your best keywords, you can copy and paste them into Cora. And then you can target questions that include those keywords in there. So it’s very specific. But if you say under ad that’s even too broad for me. I don’t feel comfortable, then you can do question targeting and target 235 questions that you think are key that it doesn’t matter which on it doesn’t matter which you sort of answer on that question, because it’s so specific to you that you want to have a presence, or the intent behind that question is so specific, you want to show ads on them, then you can do that. Why not? But now contextual targeting is really big. On today and what you are doing now, Cora also has behavioral targeting, which is pretty similar to contextual, the difference is behavioral targeting is based on actions you took in past. So for example, interest targeting is that you have shown interest on specific topics over time. But you can also do keyword history targeting, which basically means, if you saw a question in the past that has the keyword you are targeting, then your ad will show up to that user. And then you also have quite a history targeting which is, you will target anyone who saw that a specific question in the past, and you can place them in a place they are not today. I don’t recommend I don’t recommend starting with behavioral targeting. Once you nail down your contextual targeting, you can use behavioral targeting as a way to expand into grow, opening up the gates a little bit. And then Cora also offers audience targeting this is no different than what you do in any other platform. You can install the Cora pixel through your HTML or Google Tag Manager installed remarketing to people who visited your website or to get specific actions. You can upload email lists, and you can create look alike audiences. So all of those are options within the core ads platform. Now let’s talk about the secondary targeting options. And this ones are pretty much self explanatory. You can target people based on where they are located, their gender, their device, people who received the Koran newsletter. And then the most important secondary targeting option is the last one, which is exclude questions or audiences. We all know how important it is to review your search query or your search term report on Google ads and Microsoft ads. Well, if there are questions, then don’t really apply to what you are targeting. Or you might be overlapping to campaigns, you can exclude those questions and go from there. So definitely a pro tip is to really spend some time thinking about where is your ad going to show up before and what you should be excluding.
Unknown Speaker 12:24
Okay, now we get into the tips and tricks session section of this presentation. And the tip number one is to break your Heather’s ask questions. So your ad blends with the organic results. And if you haven’t seen Cora recently, this is what it looks like. The one on the top is an ad, the one at the bottom is a regular question, how do you identify them, because in very tiny, almost, you cannot even see them very well. And we know it because we are marketers, but someone who is not a marketer will most likely mean that one says promoted and the other one says this is recommended for you or recommended based on things you have interest in. And for the record, I don’t work or are associated to assigning anyway, I just went to my feet and saw that ad I thought this is great. You cannot really notice it’s an ad unless you read it’s an ad. So something definitely to consider. And you might be asking, Well, how do I know which questions should I? Or which ads? Should I phrase as questions? Or where do I get inspiration, I recommend you check out buzzsumo days, they have a free version for this example and using the paid version, but the free version will do the trick just fine. After you’re logging into your account, you can go and click where it says questions. And then it’s gonna take you to a place that looks like this, where you can search by keyword. So I audit enterprise resource planning. You filter by site types than only our q&a. And that will only show you Cora ads results. And you can even filter by how the question starts with how are you want in where and which and why. And if you keep going, you will see those very popular questions that are generating a ton of engagement recently. You can click on them see what type of answers they’re getting. But there’s something that I like even more, which is instead of looking at just view questions. buzzsumo will show you viewer related themes. If you click on that, it’s going to show you something that looks like this. It’s going to show you the main keyword and how many questions are associated to that keyword. It’s going to show you related keywords. So if there are not too many questions or volume is not there. This is an easy way to think well maybe I don’t want to do question targeting. I feel comfortable Doing keyword targeting. So this could be a way that to help you to talk, what you should be doing, as well as a way to find questions that are relevant that you might want to exclude in the future. If you have a platform like answer the public that will also do the trick in terms of showing you questions. The cool thing about both zoom is it only shows you or odd questions. Then let’s go to another tip, which is if a user wrote a great review of all your services or your products, it is a no brainer to promote or boost that answer. So we go back to them. Asana example, that’s a promoted answer. We know what because it has that more at the end of the preview of the answer. And something to call out on this Asana example is, if you notice, the person actually worked at Asana, so it was obviously an answer that was prepared by their marketing team, that in order to showcase some of their benefits, and why they are the best platform for whatever they are claiming, when you click that more button, you will get this super nice answer of up to 250 characters. And again, these arts are not intended to drive traffic, they are really done. awareness and done help of consideration of we are great. And here’s why. That being said, if you are writing the answer yourself, and you’re going to promote it, it’s okay to add a link to your website, sign this example direct where it says collaborate. You can see it’s very difficult for someone to see it. But you should not lose the opportunity at this point hasn’t already paid for the clock that I made that probably caused them to box top. But if a user does read your question, they hit than more bottom and they read the whole text and then they go to their page that shows you a lot of intent behind that user that it’s actually spending time and going through your information.
Unknown Speaker 17:14
Pro Tip number three, this one is easy. Just separate your mobile and desktop traffic. As mentioned earlier, I work in b2b, b2b companies are not know for how we got nice and fast mobile experience. And the other reality is if you leave them together, mobile traffic will be the one that takes most of your budget. If you have different experiences, or you know that one user is more valuable than the other one, you separate that traffic from the get go. And then you can determine what you want to do moving for our Pro Tip number four is promote ads on questions with good organic presence. We call back to off the very, very, very first slides I show you today that show that Korra has 300 million plus average monthly visitors, the reality is done. That’s not a challenge on top of people. So one easy way is if you have a tool like sem rush, you can always search for Cora organically filter by keywords that they rank in the top train Google search results. And you will see that Quora actually has presence for more than 5 million terms. So continuing in this period of enterprise resource planning systems are our IPS. E RP is a type to filter anything that contains the word SAP, which is a fairly common earpiece system, and then type vs because I want to see people comparing one on the other. And then sem rush are the tool you have on your disposal will show you all those really nice, organic results that are half that they rank on position three and four of Google. And if you want to target things like SAP versus e RP, or SAP versus etops, getting a Google to show up on a term like that will cost you minimum $10 or so and this is just a guess. Well, on Quora, I’ve never paid more than two or $3 for a click on and this is a user that it’s doing research. It’s engaged. It’s looking through organic results overcome already some of the paid ads that were at the top of the page is that they’re aware me. So something definitely to consider. So this is what we covered today. It was a lot I know. And I went very fast. But we talked about what Korra is, who is in that audience, what type of content they consume, which type of question They are asking, we talk about art formats. There are three very easy to remember text, art, image, art and promoted answers. Then we talk about targeting and their primary and secondary targeting options. And then I gave you a few tips and tricks to get you started on. Because again, if you’re a digital marketer, you’re probably asking yourself every night Well, what are we going to do tonight? Just like pinky on the grain, and the answer will most likely be the same. We do the same thing we do every night, we want to increase the lead flow and quality. So I hope you enjoyed this presentation. If you have any questions, hit me on Twitter. And other than that, I appreciate your time. Thank you very much.
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