The top 10 international Pay Per Click Industry News from Agust 25 to September 8, 2023, commented live by Gianpaolo Lorusso, the founder of ADworld Experience (the World’s Largest PPC-Cases-Only event).
1) Segmenting PMax campaigns on items’ price competitiveness
Ruben Runneboom shared a script ideated by Jermaya Leijen which uses MC benchmarch data to segment PMax campaigns (ie.: auto-tune item bids)
2) Meta might offer an ads free version of Facebook/Instagram/WA for a paying subscription in Europe
This move could counterbalance the loss for ad revenue and meet EU’s DSA requirements at the same time
3) More insights at asset group are coming to PMax
Navah Hopkins shared sono interesting consideration on Sergey Gordeev’s post in LI who first spotted this drill down functionalities
4) An interesting case story of PMax fix
Miles McNair and Bob Meijer shared a case in which they show how to diagnose and fix an underperforminhg PMAx campaign
5) A recap of the latest updates in MetaAds
Bram Van der Hallen did a nice recap of the most important small FBAds updates in the last weeks
6) URL targeting improvement in PMax
SEL reports an update spotted by Thomas Eccel, which now allows to set inclusion/exclusion rules for URLs in PMax asset groups
7) You can now schedule individual assets in FBAds
Bram Van der Hallen spotted a new function to schedule single ads (instead of entire campaigns, as it was before)
8) New unified tracking tag (Google Tag) for all Google’s products in GTM
Google will update the tracking tag in its Tag Manager for GA4, GAds and all other big G products
9) Mini-guide to Google enhanced conversions
Chance Carnahan (Adswerve) shared a nice guide to enhanced conversion implementation and settings
10) Google will roll out what they called Limited Ads Serving policy
Accounts eligibility to run ads will be assessed on customers’ feedback and account standing according to past violations
Reddit updates some functions of its ad platform
Pinterest launched its own ad library
May the ROI be with you! And… more peace for everyone 😉
PS: Please comment if you think I missed something important!
Gianpaolo Lorusso
ADworld Experience founder
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